Mule Anypoint Studio – Screen Frozen at Workspace Launcher

Recently, I thought of upgrading various softwares on my MAC OS including Java, AnypointStudio and all other softwares. So, I downloaded new version of MuleSoft Anypoint Studio on my MAC OS. After installing AnypointStudio, when I opened it for the first time, I immediately encountered an issue.

Guess what, the very first screen – Workspace Launcher was frozen. I was not able to type-in workspace location, I was not able to click on browse button, I was not able to click on cancel or ok button. What a bummer!!

After some trial and errors, I finally found the solution to fix the problem. I am not sure why, but looks like Anypoint Studio does not work with Java 9. As part of upgrade process, I had upgraded the Java version from 7 to 9. Either you will have to uninstall Java 9 and go back to Java 7 (I did not test this with Java 8) or you can follow below steps to make it work. Install Java 7 in addition to Java 9 on MAC OS.

  1. Get the Java 7 location, we will need this location.
  2. Open Terminal and go to the folder where you have
  3. cd
  4. Here you will find a file named AnypointStudio
  5. Execute this command: ./AnypointStudio -vm <Java_7_Location>/bin
  6. You will see “Workspace Launcher” screen
  7. Now, you can select different workspaces.

So every time I will have to open AnypointStudio using command line? Seriously? Well, no! There is another solution, probably better solution.

    1. Get the Java 7 location, we will need this location.
    2. Open Finder and go to the folder where you have
    3. Right click on and select “Show Package Contents”
    4. Now go to “Contents” and then “Eclipse” folder
    5. Now open AnypointStudio.ini file in your favorite editor.
    6. Make sure you add following lines after -startup and before –launcher.library and -vmargs
    7. Also note that, AnypointStudio.ini does not recognize JAVA_HOME variable, so you will need complete path for Java location
    8. Save the file and now open Anypoint Studio.
    9. You will see “Workspace Launcher” screen
    10. Now, you can select different workspaces.

    Hope this will be helpful.

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