Apache Directory Studio – An Error Has Occurred

Have you ever faced an error while launching Apache Directory Studio? I faced this error recently on my MAC OS.


I was using Apache Directory Studio for past few months without any issues, but yesterday all of a sudden I was getting below error while I was attempting to launch Apache Directory Studio application on my MAC. Note that I am using Apache Directory Studio version 2.0.0.v20130628

I open the log file to check the error message, it was so confusing. Error message was something like this:

Root Cause:

I recently installed latest Java version i.e. Java 9 on my MAC and I encountered this issue due to the Java version upgrade. The error message in the log file is bit misleading.


To resolve this issue, you can follow below mentioned steps:

    1. Click here and refer my other post to install multiple versions of Java on your MAC OS.
    2. Make sure you install Java 7 on your MAC OS.
    3. Execute this command to get the Java 7 location: /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7
    4. Now open Finder and click on Applications
    5. Next, locate Apache Directory Studio.app and right click
    6. Select Show Package Contents
    7. Go to Contents >> MacOS folder
    8. Create ApacheDirectoryStudio.ini file if not present already
    9. Add following contents (note that there are two lines) and save the file.
    10. Now, when you attempt to open Apache Directory Studio, it should open without any issues.

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