Mac OS X – Change Screenshots Location

If you want to take screenshot on your Mac OS X, then it is very simple, just press and hold command+shift+4, then selected desired area, and when you leave these buttons, the screenshot will be saved on Desktop.

That’s right, Mac OSX saves screenshots on your desktop by default. As the number of screenshots increase, and if you don’t delete or move the old ones, your desktop becomes really messy. What if we need to change the location, can we do that? Yes, of course. Here are the simple steps:

  1. Create the folder for screenshots, for example, ~/Documents/MyScreenshots.
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Execute command: defaults write location ~/Documents/MyScreenshots
  4. Then execute command to apply the changes: killall SystemUIServer

That’s it. Now try taking the screenshots. You will notice that the screenshots are saved in the new folder. You need to make sure you create folder first and then execute these commands, otherwise screenshots would still appear on your Desktop.

Can I revert this? Sure, why not. Here are the simple steps:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Execute command: defaults write location ~/Desktop
  3. Then execute command to apply the changes: killall SystemUIServer

Hope this will be useful.

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